Here at Mom Webs we celebrate creativity of all kinds!
We invite you to join us for our All Ages Creativity Challenge in July 2023.
Pick a Creativity Project that appeals to you.
It can be anything! Paint, color, sculpt, chalk, sketch, poetry… if it calls out your creativity, we want the chance to experience it with you.
We have an Appreciation Panel helping us out.
There’ll be no ‘judging’ of your creativity here, only appreciation from those who value acts of artistic expression.
- Elaine Allen of Start In Art and Brentwood Art Studio.
- Ava M, 7 years, Minecraft & Cat lover.
- Kelly McCausey of Mom Webs Hosting.
This is NOT a competition, but there will be prizes.
When you submit something for us to enjoy and share, you’ll be entered into a random drawing and our Appreciation Panel will also be choosing a favorite act of creativity as well.
There will be two age groups, one under 18 and one over. There’ll be a random drawing and favorite choice for both of these groups, so a total of four prizes will be awarded.
Prizes = $20 Amazon Gift Cards (Or some equivalent option for those who can’t shop on Amazon.)
Who Can Enter:
Anyone anywhere of any age. If you’re feeling creative this month, jump right in!
How To Enter:
Submit a photograph, PDF or shorter than 30 second video of your Creative Project.
By submitting, you’re giving us permission to share your projects, but you’re not giving up any ownership. Your project will be shared here on Mom Webs, on our social media with the hashtag #allagescreativity, and highlighted on the NanaCreative Twitch Channel.
Important Note: No information other than a first name about anyone under 18 will be published and we ask that no minor’s face be shown in any photograph or video.
July Submission Deadline: Submit before midnight on Monday, July 24th.
Winners will be announced on stream on Tuesday, July 25th by 11am Eastern.
All prizes will be delivered before the end of July 2023.